Financial Planning Fees
financial planning
You want to receive a full analysis on retirement, debt management, education, investments, etc. Typically, you already have a tax preparer or are not worried about tax planning, We meet often over a short 6 months to cover all your needs.
($1,650 = 6 Month Contract)
Retirement Planning
Education Planning
Employee Benefits Analysis
Debt Management
Estate Planning
Credit Analysis
Insurance Review
Cash Flow
Net Worth
Limited To 50 Clients
financial planning
You are wanting to review and implement financial strategies to get you on track for retirement, pay down debt wisely, pay less in taxes, invest responsibly, plan for future large expenses such as education, and make sure you are appropriately protected with insurance.
($2,760 annual contract)
All Basic Financial Planning Services
Individual Tax Preparation
Tax Planning
You only have a few questions that you need answered. You enjoy learning and working on your own finances and are looking to confirm what you are doing with your finances. Or you don't have much money, but know you need help with financial advice.
($600 annual contract)
Four 30 Minute Meetings with a CFP, EA
Access Financial Planning Software
Custom Educational Content
Investment Monthly Newsletter
Unlimited Emails
Investment Management Fees
Pomegranate Financial keeps fees low so your investments can work best for you. To do this we structure our fees in 3 simple ways.
First, we meet to educate you on our investment philosophies & strategies, review your portfolio, and onboard your account(s). The fee for this meeting is $150.
Second, upon managing your investments we charge an annual service fee based on the size of your account (see chart below). The larger the size the more strategies that may be relevant.
Third, Betterment charges their annual percentage fee (which is discounted from their retail fee of 0.25%).
*Upfront investment meeting fee is waived with any 6 to 12 month financial planning agreement (see above plans).
What is your
account value?
$0 - $15,000
$15,001 - $100,000
$100,001 - $500,000
*Upfront Investment Meeting Fee
Annual Pomegranate Financial Fee
Annual Fee